
Spring cleaning tips for your Air Conditioning Unit

Andy Pino • April 8, 2017

Springtime in Georgia.  There’s nothing like the return of colorful spring blooms and longer sunshine-filled days. And what else?  Spring cleaning – the yearly ritual which sets us up for a pleasant and stress-free summer.  It’s also the perfect time to make sure your home is running at peak efficiency.

Now that temperatures are getting warmer and we are thinking about turning on our air conditioning, it’s important to have your air conditioning and ventilation system(s) serviced by a professional technician.

Why is this important? 

Your air conditioning system has been idle for months and just like an idle body is hard to get going, an air conditioner can need some help.  Also, a professional technician will methodically check the electrical and refrigeration components of the system to be sure it is running at peak efficiency.  Many repairs can be avoided or minimized by catching issues early and by following a regular maintenance program.  And did you know that routine maintenance is required to maintain manufacturer’s warranties on your air conditioning equipment?  It’s one of those things written in the small print!

Here are things you can do to care for your air conditioning unit

  1. Make sure your outside air conditioner is clear of any debris.
  2. Bushes and foliage should be trimmed back at least one foot from the air conditioner to prevent blocking of air flow and to provide access for service technicians.
  3. Scrub your registers with hot, soapy water. These registers tend to accumulate dust, human and pet hair, animal dander and even stray food particles.
  4. Check your filter. Most standard filters need to be changed every 30 days, but some media filters last 6-12 months.  We can change this for you – if you know your filter size, tell us when you schedule your tune up and we can be sure to bring it.

Here are some more things you can do to optimize energy efficiency in your home:

  • Use Ceiling Fans Improve the comfort and air flow and to help you save energy, you can add or utilize existing ceiling fans in your home. Just make sure they are only turned on while you are there.
  • Check Your Appliances: Check your major appliances like your refrigerator, freezer, washer, dryer, dishwasher and oven to make sure they are operating correctly. Your owner’s manuals contain information about periodic maintenance required for each appliance.
  • Minimize Oven Use: Cooking food in an oven can increase the heat in your kitchen and the rest of the house. Using a microwave and stovetop to cook food can cut the heat in your home dramatically over using the oven.
  • Use a Programmable Thermostat: Setting your air conditioner to a higher temperature during the day when your not home can save money because the system will not be working so hard when you don’t need it to. A programmable thermostat does this for you automatically, which can result in drastic energy savings over time.  Let us know if we can give you more information.
  • Close Window Coverings: If you have blinds or curtains, closing these during the hottest times of the day will greatly reduce the heat load on your air conditioner.
  • Have Air Conditioning Coils Cleaned: A buildup of grime and residue can accumulate inside your outside air conditioning unit over time. Dirty air conditioning coils can cause your system to work harder than it needs to, which reduces its efficiency and life over time.  We can check to see if a buildup if affecting the performance of your system and if need be clean it for you.

An easy way to be sure your routine air conditioning maintenance gets done is to sign up for our worry-free service agreement on the next visit.  That way, WE CALL YOU to schedule routine maintenance and you don’t have remember it.  It’s an easy way to mark one thing off your list!

It’s always best to call to schedule maintenance before the heat of the summer, so send us a request through the website or just give us a call at 678-546-0433.  And enjoy the Spring weather!

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